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Places are more than just spaces
Microsoft Places is a powerful new tool that lets you easily create and join virtual workspaces tailored to your exact needs and preferences. With seamless integration with Microsoft 365 and other popular apps, you'll be able to work smarter, faster, and more productively than ever before, no matter where you are. See how Microsoft Places transforms the way you work!

Where work happens
Microsoft's hybrid scheduling feature utilises data signals from Outlook and Teams to show when colleagues and collaborators will be in the office beforehand to ensure you maximise in-person collaboration. Organise impromptu meet-ups and invite your colleagues.
Room booking 2.0
The intelligent booking feature helps you quickly find the perfect space for your meeting needs. Matching technology requirements and considering both in-person and remote participants, even suggesting the quickest commute times and sending reminders to ensure you arrive on time, taking into account current traffic and your meeting schedule.

Making the office worth going to
Features, including wayfinding, improve the office experience for your team and guests. Desk booking streamlines finding and reserving a desk while allowing you to see where your closest colleagues are sitting.
Guided by data
Leaders can access physical space management insights, including utilisation data, occupancy trends, and energy-saving opportunities, to reduce costs and improve the workplace experience.